Introduction of Sendy Business, AhnSoftwareLab
③Software development
Ahn Software Lab is a software development company developing various applications such as big data, online commerce, messenger, etc.
<Before using Sendy Business>
In developing applications or software that meet clients' needs, they must share developed products or intermediate stage development with their clients. Still, security features were required as there were many security-sensitive materials. The cloud service that we had used before automatically deleted files when attaching unsupported file types, which hindered the progress of the work due to the nature of the work handling various file types. In addition, communication with clients was inconvenient due to a lack of consistency in file transfer and communication as we used another service.
<Background of Sendy Business Introduction>
Sendy Business supports all file formats, so there was less worry about sending various types of files. In addition, security was necessary, and Sendy Business was reliable with security features such as triple security processes and password/expiration date settings when transferring and sharing files. Due to the nature of the work that shares intermediate reports and results with clients for a certain period, the secure transfer and sharing capabilities from Sendy Business have become reliable.
<After using Sendy Business>
- Support all file types: Sendy supports all file formats, making it easy to transfer files without any specific explanation with Sendy.
- Thorough security management: We needed to pay attention to post-management and secure transfers when sending essential files to clients. Sometimes we had a hard time because we were swamped paying attention to the shared links. Then important files were still being shared externally even after the contract was over. Sendy Business is accessible only if the recipient has a password within the expiration date. If the expiration date has come, it will automatically block access, so we can feel safe even if we forget to follow up. In addition, the number of file downloads is reassuring to see if the other person received the file well and if the file is leaked.
It was a great pleasure to have a lot of feedback from Ahn Software Lab, a client of Sendy Business. If you have difficulty with security problems and file formats like Ahn Software Lab, try relieving stress and raising work efficiency with Sendy Business. Once again, we would like to thank the Ahn Software Lab staff for their cooperation. Also, we will continue to improve our service based on the valuable feedback.
Sendy Business has received favorable evaluations overwhelmingly in speed, such as faster file uploads, downloads, and transfers. It highly contributed to reducing work time and increasing work efficiency of our clients.
We are introducing business-specific Sendy Business.
Then increase your business efficiency!
Work efficiently with Sendy Business!