Sendy PRO User Survey

Last February, Sendy surveyed PRO users who are the paid subscribers.

Sendy, which grew rapidly by 88% users in 2020, is trying to listen to its PRO users and develop what they are using Sendy for, what kind of characteristics they have, satisfaction with Sendy they feel, and what needs to grow in the future.

A total of 114 PRO users responded, and through their responses, we will introduce you to the characteristics of Sendy PRO users and what they talked about Sendy.

About Sendy

'Sendy' was launched in April 2019 and is serving 237 countries worldwide to help individual and corporate users enjoy convenient file transfers and online storage under all circumstances. The annual average growth rate is 88%, and the number of users is rapidly increasing. It is being used in countries worldwide, including Japan, Korea, the United States, India, and Russia.

As a result of this increase in users, Sendy has seen a rapid increase in the number of files transferred over the past half-year to more than 2.4 million and its capacity to more than 1.38 million GB. Such a massive amount of files are reliably transferred through Sendy's high technology.

1. Who are the Sendy PRO users?

According to the Sendy PRO user population, female users are 53.5% by gender, and male users are 44.7%, which is slightly higher for women. Still, the gender ratio is similar at about a 5:5 balance. In terms of the user age group, we found that users of a wide range of age groups use Sendy PRO, primarily among them, the proportion of office workers aged 25 to 34 is high. Since the Covid-19 crisis in 2020, online non-face-to-face work rates have risen rapidly around the world. And as a result of technology advancement, large file volumes have necessarily led to greater demand for large file transfers or rich cloud storage. Consequently, users chose Sendy and found that they took the necessary parts from Sendy in a non-face-to-face environment and a large-scale file environment.

2. What kind of occupation Sendy users have?

As for PRO user occupations, office jobs were the most common, followed by service jobs such as sales. Overall, the freelancer ratio was high, and Sendy was used by self-employed and video creators, photographers, and users in video-related industries, indicating many business users frequently exchanged videos and large files. Besides, users in various occupations, including real estate, lawyers, teachers, musicians, and retirees over 60, were using Sendy.

3. What purpose were the PRO users using Sendy for?

The most common file format for Sendy was a video with 54.2%, followed by photos with 27.9%, documents with 12.3%, and music with 5.6%. In messenger and email services, large files such as videos are automatically resized and sent, making it challenging to exchange files for work. As a solution, Sendy could transfer large and high-definition files without compression, which enabled Sendy to transfer/share large files such as videos actively.

Also, IT/engineer job users replied that Sendy is being used to transfer and store files such as DB file format data, programs, and software. Sendy also supports professional extension file formats that cannot be easily transferred by other services, including documents for business use, indicating that they meet users' needs who want to transfer those files.

4. Why did PRO users choose Sendy over other services?

'Simple and seamless transfer Capabilities' was the most common answer from the PRO users, followed by 'transmission capacity (50GB)' and 'fast transfer speed that cannot be compared to other services.' Because of the convenient transfer function, the size of the file capacity that can be sent up to 50GB at once, and the fast speed that can be transferred at high speed, we could confirm that they were using the PRO.

In addition, users subscribed due to '1TB Cloud' accounted for 12% of the total. Also, we could hear good reviews of the ease with which cloud and transfer capabilities are flexibly compatible, and the password & link validity settings for securely handling and sharing files.

5. How satisfied is Sendy after actual use?

Many FREE users were delighted with the Sendy transfer function, so they often subscribed to PRO. Most of the users who subscribed to PRO gave high scores for the transfer function even after subscribing. After the actual use, 49% of PRO users gave a perfect score, 5 points to the Sendy transmission function, and 77% of all respondents had a high satisfaction of 4 points or higher.

The utmost satisfaction was that 38% of the respondents were ''upload/download speed of transfer was satisfied,' with 38%, and 'overall satisfaction' with 16%. We also got positive reviews for 'Anyone can simply transfer large files at high speed.' There was also an opinion that the operation stability is higher than other apps.

Many people have indicated that slow speed and inconvenient large-capacity file transfer are the main stress factors when transferring files using many other services. They have been looking for various services to relieve them from this stress. PRO users valued the fast file transfer speed, simplicity, and stability of Sendy's file transfer and gained a good experience of making a pleasant file transfer through Sendy.

Other comments were as follows.

  • File transfers are fast, and the process is reliable.
  • Stable service
  • Large capacity. Often receive 4K images, which is excellent.
  • Chrome extension makes it easy and straightforward to transfer.

The results of the survey show that,

We were able to identify that Sendy PRO users needed 'high-speed transmission of large files' and 'high-definition files for work,' not vague predictions, but accurate figures. By choosing Sendy, which supports various file extensions and allows you to transfer large files at high speeds, PRO users have improved their file management experience.

In particular, office workers in the design and video-related jobs aged 25-44 were praised for Sendy's ability to transfer and store files without compression at an overwhelmingly faster speed rate than Sendy's competitors.

Sendy provides personal services in line with these users' use while participating in the Ministry of SMEs and Startups' non-face-to-face voucher project, which is part of the government's policy, to provide Sendy Business for small and medium-sized businesses.

After this, Sendy will continue to improve/develop functions that anyone can easily use in a wide range of occupations, including students.

We will continue to play a leading role in raising the global standard of data transmission. We'll listen to your real-world feedback using Sendy to help users worldwide experience the highest file transfer speeds and storage environments.

Sendy offers 3 plans: Sendy Free, Sendy PRO, and Sendy Business.

First, try Sendy's overwhelming speed for free.