Sendy Business interview - E-commerce
The last category of the Sendy Business interview is “E-commerce”. We will introduce the interview with Wise Plan and Item Shop.
In the E-commerce industry, large file transfers and storage devices are essential because they need to share and manage product images. Let's take a closer look at how Wise Plan and Item Shop use Sendy.
Wise Plan
As we are running an E-commerce shop, our company uploads and transfers 10,000 to 20,000 files every week.
Photographic files, documents and video files are handled, and the file capacity becomes large as we handle so many files as a time. Even in those situations, I was able to reduce work stress with the fast backup in Sendy.
Also, many files are shared with external companies, and large files are also quickly transferred through Sendy, which we are receiving a lot of help.
Item Shop
We use Sendy more than 2-3 times a week, and it's very convenient, improving work efficiency a lot.
As we are running a wholesale and retail business, there are many cases where image files need to be shared, and in this regard, Sendy made file sharing simple and easy with its outstanding speed.
In particular, it used to take a lot of time to send large files by mail, but after using Sendy Business, as it is possible to send mails directly on the platform, and large files can be sent quickly and easily, helped us reduce working hours and increase efficiency.
In an interview with a customer of Sendy Business, it was possible to give an example of how they are using Sendy. Once again, I would like to thank for their cooperation. In addition, we will continue to improve our services based on valuable opinions.
If you've been through hard time sharing and doing backups on large image files working in the E-commerce industry, get started efficiently with Sendy Business.
Sendy Business has received favorable evaluations in overwhelming speed, such as faster file uploads, downloads, and transfers. It highly contributed to reducing work time and increasing work efficiency of our clients.
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