What is Digital Transformation? Exploring 3 Cases and Strategies

Sep 5, 2024

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, companies must consider Digital Transformation (DX) as a critical strategy for survival and growth. DX involves leveraging digital technologies such as cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence (AI) to create new business models and transform existing processes and industry structures. In this post, we will explore what DX is, understand the concept of digital transformation, review successful DX case studies and strategies, and recommend cloud services to support your journey.

Source: Freepik

1. What is DX?

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Source: Freepik

DX stands for Digital Transformation, referring to the process of digital transition. DX involves utilizing various digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing to convert analog business processes and industry structures into digital ones. It represents more than just the adoption of digital technologies; it is a transformative process that reshapes the entire operation and culture of an organization.

🔍 Why Pursue DX?

Companies have various reasons for embarking on digital transformation, but fundamentally, DX is essential for seizing new opportunities and ensuring business survival and growth in a rapidly changing environment. Through DX, businesses can reduce costs while enhancing operational efficiency. Additionally, it allows companies to shorten production times for products and services, and improve inventory turnover and throughput, thus optimizing business operations.

  • Increased Contributions from Technological Advancements: Digital technologies maximize productivity and efficiency. Cloud computing, for example, provides access to data anytime and anywhere, while big data analytics enable better decision-making.
  • Changes in Customer Experience: In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, customer expectations are continuously changing. Personalized marketing, real-time feedback, and customized services enhance customer satisfaction and strengthen competitive advantage.
  • Cost Reduction and Efficiency: Automating business processes helps lower operational costs and maximize efficiency. Digital transformation equips companies with the ability to respond swiftly to changing market conditions.

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2. Digital Transformation Cases

Digital transformation offers numerous opportunities for innovation across various industries. Companies are leveraging digital technologies to change their operational approaches and introduce new business models. Let's explore how Nike, Netflix, and Toyota have successfully implemented digital transformation.

  • Nike
what is dx, examples of digital transformation, recommended cloud service, digital transformation

Source: Nike

Nike has revolutionized customer experience through digital technology. The company provides personalized product recommendations and exclusive discounts based on customers' interests and lifestyles via its mobile app and website. Additionally, Nike uses data from its Nike Run Club (NRC) and Nike Training Club (NTC) apps to analyze user data and offer tailored workout plans. Through these digital innovations, Nike has enhanced customer loyalty and driven continuous growth.

  • Netflix
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Source: Pixabay

Netflix has established itself as a prime example of successful digital transformation by transitioning from a DVD rental service to an internet-based VOD subscription model. During this process, Netflix effectively utilized data analytics to develop its content recommendation algorithm. The company’s AI-driven recommendation system collects various data points, including viewing history and ratings, to suggest content tailored to users' preferences, maintaining high customer satisfaction. Additionally, Netflix leverages user data to make informed decisions about creating or licensing original content, further optimizing its offerings.

  • Toyota
what is dx, examples of digital transformation, recommended cloud service, digital transformation

Source: Toyota

Toyota is a notable example of successful digital transformation, having evolved from a traditional automotive manufacturer to a mobility company. Toyota has optimized its production processes by leveraging cloud computing and IoT (Internet of Things), managing data in real-time to improve product quality. Additionally, Toyota introduced the 'e-Palette,' a mobility service utilizing autonomous driving technology that allows companies to customize vehicle uses according to their products and services. Through these digital advancements, Toyota has strengthened its competitive edge in the future automotive market.

3. 3 Key Strategies for Digital Transformation

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Source: Freepik

To successfully execute Digital Transformation (DX), a systematic strategy is essential. By developing and implementing strategies tailored to the company's goals and circumstances, businesses can maximize the benefits of digitalization. Here, we explore three key strategies for digital transformation, focusing on business model transformation, organizational culture improvement, and efficiency enhancement through digital technologies.

① Business Model Transformation

Digital transformation enables a fundamental shift in business models. For instance, companies can use AI to develop new products and services or innovate existing business models. This transformation helps businesses create new opportunities and strengthen their competitive edge in the market.

② Organizational Culture Improvement

Digitalization assists in making organizations more flexible and open. By adopting various digital tools, companies can facilitate smooth communication and collaboration among team members. It also creates a work environment conducive to flexible and transparent monitoring and feedback. Additionally, implementing data-driven performance evaluations through DX can establish a fair and transparent reward system, enhancing employee engagement and motivation.

③ Efficiency Enhancement through Digital Technologies

Leveraging various digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing can significantly enhance operational efficiency. Automating processes to reduce repetitive tasks and making data-driven decisions are key examples. By digitizing operations, companies can process tasks more quickly and accurately, ultimately delivering better products, services, and customer experiences.

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To achieve success in digital transformation and drive business innovation, it is essential to quickly respond to changing customer needs and market dynamics. Cloud services provide the technology needed to access vast amounts of data—critical for DX—from anywhere at any time. They enable efficient data management and seamless collaboration, making them crucial for starting your digital transformation journey. We recommend Rakuten Drive as your go-to cloud service for a successful transition. Click the link below to explore case studies of companies that have successfully achieved digital transformation with Rakuten Drive.

👉 Check Out Rakuten Drive Case Studies

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Successful companies in digital transformation are increasingly transitioning their data storage to the cloud. To swiftly respond to changing business environments and adjust infrastructure scale according to fluctuating service demands, adopting cloud storage is essential. Rakuten Drive not only provides a secure and reliable data storage solution but also offers data processing speeds that are significantly faster compared to traditional on-premises methods. Experience Rakuten Drive's ultra-fast file transfer capabilities, boasting upload and download speeds up to 4 times faster than other drives.

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Begin the first step of your digital transformation with Rakuten Drive! By automating your business processes with Rakuten Drive, you can optimize your work environment and enhance team productivity through real-time collaboration. Use cloud storage as a foundation to flexibly integrate new ICT technologies into your business, shortening the time needed to achieve your goals.

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We have explored the meaning and importance of digital transformation, reviewed successful DX case studies and strategies, and recommended cloud services. Digital transformation can innovate existing business models, improve organizational culture, and maximize operational efficiency, enabling business survival and growth. Leverage Rakuten Drive to successfully open the gateway to digital transformation and secure your competitive edge in the future market. Start your digital innovation journey with Rakuten Drive today!

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